Color contrast is the difference between two colors in terms of their brightness and/or their hue. It is a measure of how easily distinguishable two colors are from each other, and it is an important consideration in many areas of design, particularly in web design, where it can impact the readability and usability of a website.
There are several factors that affect color contrast, including the color choices themselves, the lighting conditions in which the colors are viewed, and the size and shape of the objects being viewed. The most common way to measure color contrast is through the use of contrast ratio, which is a numerical value that represents the difference in brightness between two colors.
A high contrast ratio (e.g. 4.5:1 or higher) indicates a greater degree of contrast, making it easier for people with visual impairments to distinguish between different colors. In web design, it is generally recommended to use colors with a high contrast ratio for text and other important elements on a page, to ensure that they are legible and accessible to all users.